Mood Lodging | Alojamentos locais em Óbidos

Privacy Policy

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Welcome to Mood Lodging

Segmentvanilla Lda. is committed to the way personal information is treated, as well as protecting the privacy of the personal data of visitors and users of the website provided to it. Segmentvanilla Lda. assumes responsibility for compliance with laws and regulations applicable to the processing of personal data. Segmentvanilla Lda. promotes the adoption of data protection principles, in line with international standards and best practices.

This Privacy Statement aims to describe how Segmentvanilla Lda. collects, uses and protects the personal information that visitors and users of this website provide us in strict respect and compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law.

Read this Privacy Statement, because by visiting our website or providing us with your personal information, you agree to the collection, processing and storage of your personal information and implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions described in this Privacy Statement.

Responsible for data processing

This Privacy Statement applies exclusively to the collection and processing of personal data carried out by Segmentvanilla Lda.. Therefore, Segmentvanilla Lda. is the responsible entity that provides the service and decides which data is collected, the means of processing the data and for what purposes it is used.

Information collected

When we refer to personal data, we refer to any information, of any nature and regardless of its support, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A person who can be identified directly or indirectly, namely by reference to an identification number or to one or more specific elements of their physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity, is considered identifiable.

In general, the Segmentvanilla Lda. website can be visited without having to reveal any personal information. There are, however, areas of the website where we need visitors to provide their personal data in order to take advantage of the services available there.

The personal data collected and processed consists of information relating to name, telephone, email, location, country, nationality, date of birth, identification number, driving license.

Purposes of processing personal data

The personal data collected may be necessary to:

We do not collect information for purposes other than those indicated above and we always ask the visitor to provide us with data that identifies him or her only when we need it.

We do not collect information about our visitors from other sources, such as public records or bodies, or private organizations.

Use and sharing of personal information

We do not disclose, rent, sell or exchange personal information collected on this Site with third parties, except with potential employers, in the case of recruitment and selection processes, when you give us your consent or if we are legally required to make it known this information.

General principles applicable to data processing

In terms of general principles relating to the processing of personal data, Segmentvanilla Lda. undertakes to ensure that the data of visitors and users processed by it are:

Rights of visitors / users (Data subjects)

Under the Personal Data Protection Law, the data subject is guaranteed the exercise of the following rights:

Right of access

The user has the right to obtain from Segmentvanilla Lda. confirmation that the personal data concerning him or her are being processed or not and, if applicable, the right to access his or her personal data, what are the purposes of the processing, what conservation periods, among others.

Right to rectification

The user has the right to request, at any time, the rectification of their personal data and also the right to have their incomplete personal data completed, including through an additional statement.

In the event of data rectification, Segmentvanilla Lda. communicates the respective rectification to each recipient to whom the data has been transmitted, unless such communication proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort for Segmentvanilla Lda..

Right to data deletion

Right to obtain the erasure of personal data when there are no valid grounds for its conservation, namely:

Right to limitation

The user has the right to obtain, from Segmentvanilla Lda., the limitation of the processing of user data, in the form of suspension of processing or limitation of the scope of processing to certain categories of data or processing purposes.

Right to data portability

The user has the right to receive the data they provided in a commonly used and machine-readable digital format or to request the direct transmission of their data to another entity that becomes the new person responsible for their personal data.

Right to object

The user has the right to object at any time, for reasons related to their particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning them that is based on the exercise of legitimate interests pursued by Segmentvanilla Lda. or when the processing is carried out for the purposes other than those for which the personal data was collected.

Segmentvanilla Lda. will cease processing user data, unless it presents compelling and legitimate reasons for such processing that prevail over the user's interests, rights and freedoms, or for the purposes of declaring, exercising or defending a right of Segmentvanilla Lda. in a judicial proceeding.

The period of time for which data is stored and preserved varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed. In fact, there are legal requirements that require data to be kept for a minimum period of time. Therefore, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, data will be stored and preserved only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes that motivated its collection or subsequent processing, or for the period of time authorized by the National Data Protection Commission , after which they will be eliminated.

Procedure for exercising rights by the user

The rights referred to above can be exercised by the user by contacting the following email:

Technical, organizational and security measures implemented

Segmentvanilla Lda. is committed to ensuring the protection of the security of personal data made available to us, having approved and implemented strict rules in this matter. Compliance with these rules constitutes a mandatory obligation for all those who legally access personal data.

Bearing in mind the great concern and commitment that Segmentvanilla Lda. reveals in defending privacy issues, several security measures, of a technical and organizational nature, were adopted in order to protect the personal data made available to us against its dissemination, loss , misuse, alteration, unauthorized treatment or access, as well as against any other form of illicit treatment.

Depending on the nature, scope, context and purposes of data processing, as well as the risks arising from the processing for the rights and freedoms of the visitor, Segmentvanilla Lda. undertakes to apply, both when defining the means processing, as well as at the time of the processing itself, the necessary and appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data and comply with legal requirements.

It is also committed to ensuring that, by default, only the data that is necessary for each specific processing purpose is processed and that these data are not made available without human intervention to an indeterminate number of people.

In areas of the website where visitors' personal data are collected and presented, their transmission is encrypted using the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol, with 128 or 256 bit encryption keys.

Using this technology, the data consulted on the website and the data sent by the user to the website are encrypted using 128 or 256 bit keys, which is currently the most secure form of encryption supported by current Internet browsers.

Use of cookies

Connection cookies, better known as “cookies”, are small software tags that are stored on your computer through the browser, retaining only information related to your preferences, not including, as such, your personal data.

In certain situations, information is collected about visits to our website. For example, we collect information about our visitors' domains of origin and record some aspects of visitors' activity on the website, this information being kept "anonymous". This information may be used to carry out an analysis that allows us to improve the services provided to our visitors.

This information is collected using various technologies, including the use of cookies. A cookie is a small set of data that a website can send to the browser and which can be saved on the visitor's system. The Segmentvanilla Lda. website uses cookies to maintain information about visitors' current sessions.

All browsers allow the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies, namely by selecting the appropriate settings in the respective browser. You can configure cookies in the "options" or "preferences" menu of your browser. Please note, however, that disabling cookies may prevent some web services from functioning correctly, partially or completely affecting website navigation.

Communication of personal data

Segmentvanilla Lda., within the scope of its activity, may use third parties to provide certain services. Sometimes, the provision of these services involves access, by third parties, to our users' personal data.

When this happens, Segmentvanilla Lda. takes appropriate measures to ensure that the entities that have access to the data are reputable and offer the highest guarantees at this level, which will be duly enshrined and safeguarded with these third parties.

Therefore, any entity subcontracted by Segmentvanilla Lda. will have the obligation to adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures in order to protect personal data against accidental or illicit destruction, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access and against any form of illicit treatment.


Our website contains links to other websites on the Internet. Segmentvanilla Lda. is not responsible for the privacy policies or contents of these websites.

Changes to our privacy practices

If Segmentvanilla Lda. changes its privacy practices, they will always be available at this location. If you require any clarification about our privacy practices, please contact us at

In any case, if you consider that Segmentvanilla Lda. has violated or may have violated your rights under applicable data protection legislation, you may file a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission.