Frequently asked questions about our accommodation

Book and how to get there

How can I book the accommodation(s)?

You can make your reservation directly through our form, email, messaging apps (e.g. WhastApp or Messenger) or on social media. You can check our available accommodations.

What is the cancellation policy?

Cancellations made within less than 14 days will only be refunded 50% of the amount and no refund if canceled within 7 days.

How is the payment done?

Payment can be made by bank transfer, MBWay or cash.

Other options may be evaluated if strictly necessary.

What are the types of accommodation and capacities?

Mood Caldas and Mood Ocean accommodations have a maximum capacity of 2 guests each (1 queen size bed).

The Mood Óbidos accommodation has capacity for a maximum of 4 guests (1 queen size bed and 2 single beds - both converge into 1 queen size)

What is the children and babies policy?

Children and babies will be subject to assessment, as only Mood Óbidos accommodation has the capacity to host groups or families.

Is there the possibility of an extra bed or cot?

Each accommodation has a maximum capacity for guests, if an extra bed is necessary, there is always the possibility of including a sofa bed and/or cot, but always subject to an additional fee and availability.

Is there a way to get to Óbidos by public transport?

Yes, there are several options to get to Óbidos. The fastest and most efficient way is by bus via Rede de Expressos and/or Rodoviária do Oeste, for those coming from the Lisbon region

Train (CP) is also one of the ways to get to Óbidos.

Do you have a transfer or taxi service?

We have a transfer and taxi service, you can always inform us using our form or direct contact. 

This service will always be evaluated and subject to availability.

Access & Amenities

What is the check-in process? Where can I get the key?

We will contact you a few days before your arrival with the necessary information.

Check-in is in person, we will be at the accommodation as soon as you arrive.

What are the check-in and check-out times?

Check-in times will be between 4pm and 8pm.

If it is possible to check-in before the established time, we will contact you as soon as possible.

Check-out will be until 11am.

Is there parking on site? It is free?

Parking is next to the accommodation. It is a free, public park.

Do you have Wi-Fi in the accommodation?

All of our accommodations have free Wi-Fi internet.

Can I check in after 8pm?

Upon advance request, there is always the possibility of checking in after the established time.

Do you have air conditioning or heating?

All accommodation is equipped with air conditioning.

Tour & Experiences

Do you have a bicycle rental service?

We have a bicycle rental service, you can always tell us through our form or direct contact.

This service will always be evaluated and subject to availability.

How can I book experiences?

You can make your reservation directly through our form, email, messaging apps (e.g. WhastApp or Messenger) or on social media.

You can consult our available tours and experiences.

Rules to consider

Can I bring my pet?

We do not accept any pets in our accommodation.

Is smoking permitted in the accommodation?

Smoking is not permitted in indoor areas.

Are events and parties allowed?

No type of event or party is permitted in any of our accommodations.

Are there other restrictions or house rules to consider? 

You can check our house rules below or by checking our informational pdf.